Red and White Roses on Green small bag


For crafters, this smaller bag is perfect to hold necessary tools. For the traveler, the bags can help organize packing small clothing or toiletries. This bag can match or coordinate with a larger bag to organize your crafting supplies and projects!


Minus Quantity- Plus Quantity+


  • 6″ x 9″ accessory wristlet pouch
  • Wristlet attached to zipper for easier accessibility
  • Lined with a light-colored fabrics to see contents easily
  • Boxed corners of bag

Please be aware that colors can be slightly different on various computer monitors!

  • Perfect to hold necessary crafting tools.
  • Organizes packing small clothing or toiletries.
  • Match or coordinate with a larger bag to organize crafting supplies and projects.
  • Sewn with high-quality cotton-blend repurposed fabric
  • Batting between layers helps to stabilize the bag.
  • Fabric is washed before sewing, pre-shrinking it.
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Red and White Roses on Green small bag
Minus Quantity- Plus Quantity+

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